Am i missing something?


 if ($did(203).state == 1) {
      did -e AutoList 207 | did -e AutoList 206 | did -e AutoList 205 | did -e AutoList 204 |
      did -r $dname 206 
      var %x = 1
      while $nick(,%x) {
        did -a $dname 206 $v1 
        inc %x
    if ($did(203).state == 0) {
      did -r AutoList 206 | did -b AutoList 207 | did -b AutoList 206 | did -b AutoList 205 | did -b AutoList 204 

when i click on the list (206) it checks the state of the checkbox again and refreshes the listbox. all the list does is display the nicks in the channel. gaaa. frustrating.