let them change thier nick ....... u dont see it change ..... there is no signal of a nick change ... because ur actually connecting to an IP not a nick

Trust me when I say, I do know how DCC works. If I am talking to Dave in query but he is not on a common channel .. the query window wouldn't get changed either .. instead .. if dave were to msg me after the nick change .. a new window would be opened, but the window still gets renamed IF mIRC sees the nick change .. why not do the same for DCC? If mIRC does not see the nick change, oh well, you don't see the updated nick .. but why not if mIRC sees the change?

same goes if u dcc chat to an ip it assigns a nick yes ... but if its changed it doesnt change in the DCC CHAT window

Exactly my point .. but if mIRC sees the nick change, it COULD do something about this .. like maybe rename DCC windows named OLDNICK to NEWNICK.

When your chatting in DCC:
<RoCk> y0 what's up
<_D3m0n_> nothing much bro .. u ?

When you see <RoCk>, mIRC is just using the window name for this, BUT, if I were to change to RoCk-brb, and mIRC sees this .. why not rename the DCC windows named RoCk to RoCk-brb ? Then you would see the updated nick .. eh ?

Edit: But also with DCC transfer windows .. not just chat.

Last edited by RoCk; 27/04/03 03:43 AM.