Thanx again for the help RusselB. Thank you for your patience in giving me a couple hints towards telling me to look closer at what i am doing. it really helps! not only did i have a bracket misplaced, but i also used $dname when i needed to use the full dialog name.

Here is what got it working.


on *:TEXT:*Buzz*{  
  if ($did(AutoList,80).state == 1) splay -p UNOsndz/buzz.mp3 
  did -v AutoList 501 
  .timer 1 2 did -h AutoList 501
  dnudge AutoList 

; Then towards the top where my other alias' were i put:

alias dnudge {
;  var %nsound = sounds/buzz.mp3
  ;1=target, 2=count, 3=x, 4=y, 5=ticks, 6=msec, 7=w, 8=h
  if ($1 == $null) return
  if ($2 == $null) {
    var %x = $iif($dialog($1).x < 0,0,$v1)
    var %y = $iif($dialog($1).y < 0,0,$v1)
    var %w = $dialog($1).cw, %h = $dialog(AutoList).ch
    .timer -m 1 1 dnudge $1 0 %x %y $ticks 750 %w %h
 ;   if ($exists(%nsound)) splay $qt(%nsound)
  if (!$dialog($1)) return
  var %x = $3, %y = $4, %o = 4
  if ($calc($ticks - $5) > $6) { 
    dialog -s $1 %x %y $7 $8
  elseif ($2 == 0) { inc %x %o | inc %y %o }
  elseif ($2 == 1) { dec %x %o | inc %y %o }
  elseif ($2 == 2) { inc %x %o | dec %y %o }
  elseif ($2 == 3) { dec %x %o | dec %y %o }
  elseif ($2 == 4) { dec %x %o | inc %y %o }
  elseif ($2 == 5) { inc %x %o | dec %y %o }
  $+(.timer.AutoList.,$1) -m 1 30 dnudge $1 $calc(($2 + 1) % 6) $3-
  dialog -s $1 %x %y $7 $8

i have one issue with it though..when the nudge goes off. i lose a little bit of the dialog(becomes smaller). not sure why...

$8 the height is what is the trouble...hard to figure out. with the test dialog, it works fine. hmmm

My dialog is:

size -1 -1 294 183
option dbu

Last edited by kkoser; 11/05/08 04:43 AM.