Thanks RoCk, One other quick question...
How do I set the font and size of text in a custom window?

/window @test Arial 14

That only applys font, not the size.

Works fine here. I have a feeling it's working for you too but there's some confusion about what that "14" means: In mIRC a positive number for a font size represents the size in pixels, you need to use a negative number to indicate that the number specified is a point size. The Windows font dialog uses points, however mIRC's $window(window-name).fontsize returns a pixel value - I suspect if you type //echo -a $window(@test).fontsize right now it will confirm that the font size is currently 14 pixels (which is about 11 points). Use //window @test Arial [color:red]-14[/color] to get 14 point Arial.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.