yw smile

To loop the entire list (not only selected lines), don't use:
while ((%nr <= 30) && ($did($dname,85,%nr).sel))) {
  var %file =  c:\mIRC\images\ $+ $did($dname,85,$v1).text $+ .jpg
while ($did($dname,85,%nr)) {
  var %file =  c:\mIRC\images\ $+ $v1 $+ .jpg

The old code meant:
as long as there is a Nth selected line (returning the line number of that line): set filename using the text (content) of the line of this line number
The new one runs:
as long as there is a Nth line (returning the content directly): set filename using this content

Last edited by Horstl; 25/04/08 07:23 PM.