I don't know how to code it to put it all in one remote file :s.

These are the only other codes in alias that i could find pertaining to the shitlist:

w.shit { if ($2 != $null) { writeini -n Docs\Shitlist.ini Shitlist $replace($1,[,_,],_,*,_) $strip($2-,burc) } }
r.shit { if ($1 != $null) { return $readini -n Docs\Shitlist.ini Shitlist $replace($1,[,_,],_,*,_) } }
d.shit { if ($1 != $null) { remini Docs\Shitlist.ini Shitlist $replace($1,[,_,],_,*,_) } }
c.shit { if ($1 == $true) { write -c Docs\Shitlist.ini } }

The censored bit, is the word sh*t

Ever stop to think and forget to start again?