I'm terribly sorry, I didn't realise "it would suck" was a valid and worthwhile opinion in itself. I was under the impression that things like reasons were necessary in order for an opinion to be of any use in a discussion.

From your second post it implies your problem is that you would be barraged with video chats. Just like we're all flooded non-stop with DCC CHAT and FILE SEND requests, right? I know I can't go more than 7 seconds without somebody trying to DCC me in some form and it's really annoyi-- oh, no, wait, it's been about 10 years since I was sent a DCC request I hadn't explicitly invited.

You're entitled to your opinions of course, and you may think this would spell the end of IRC as we know it - misguided as I may think that is, but "mIRC would suck" is worthless flamebait unless you're willing to give a reason for why you think that. It isn't too much to ask is it?

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.