Hello, I have an advertiser dialog with an edit box that you can enter your message in.

edit "", 4, 2 40 216 60, multi autovs vsbar return

If I use $did(4) it only returns the first line so I use $didtok(4,32). The issue is if a line is wrapped to the next line, $didtok(4,32) inserts a space there. So if they have a long link, it will insert a space where the text gets wrapped to the next line. If I use $didtok(4,44) it returns with a space AND a comma. ($chr(44))

Does anyone know how I can retrieve all the text in my multi-line edit box correctly?

here is an example of my edit box and a very long link.

This is what $didtok(4,32) returns. Notice the spaces in the link making the link broken.

Testing a long link.... http://www.wasdvdfjnbdfbdfbdhbvdf-dfdfdfbvff.com/cgfds g/sdfgsdfg/dsfgdsfgdfg/df/sdfgdsfgdsfg/dsfgdfsg/dfg/gfd/dfs gdsfgdfsg/dfgdfsgdf/dfgdfgdf/gfdgdfgdfgdf

Thank You!