I may be wrong, but I was sure that all windows (including the scripts editor) was rich edit already. If so, then you just need to request the control options to add images.

Now, there was a thread a year+ ago about emoticons that actually turned into what I believe to be an excellent suggestion. There are many reasons to include images in a window that are not related to emoticons. Error messages would be one example. Rather than specifically giving emoticon support, the thread was about giving support for images in general. Users who wanted emoticons would have to get images for those emoticons and then use a scripted solution to display them in the right locations. It wouldn't be built in and wouldn't require an option that people who didn't want emoticons would have to disable. It would only affect the person using the script that offered them. However, the same support would allow other scripts to display other types of images for other events and situations (errors, joins/quits/parts, etc).

I'm not a supporter of emoticons being built-in, but I do like the ability to allow scripts to show images. It also lets users who want emoticons to use any images they want rather than pre-defined images.