yes excelsior font is not the same, but font size 12 is the same font than fixedsys default size in mIRC atm. So why not to include excelsior to mIRC setup?

The rendering problems are with other font sizes in excelsior.

As I said excelsior just adds letters that fixedsys misses when you use fontsize 12. Why to use Fixedsys as a default, when it do not support every possible letters?

To you if you are enlgish or american, you probably dosent need € letter, but I think every European people needs that letter in everyday talk when you compare stuff prices etc. Same goes for other languages that fixedsys dont support.

So when you write negative reply, try think first what rest of the world needs, not just you.

And tbh, 1 € is now 1,5 $. so people needs € as a marker what currency is the worlds leading currency.

In other ways, unicode is defacto standard on letter universally. mIRC using still older format not suporting most languages is not good or is mIRC made only for americans?. The UTF8 should be default on mIRC when we talk what is universal support for other languages than english. Atlest mIRC offers it to world wide web, not for american web. Go figure.