I download the Virtual Desktop of Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx) and Install it (is for having various desktops as in Linux)

I open mIRC (on 2nd Desktop) and all works fine until i connect and return to 1st Desktop, the mIRC app moves into

I mean.. mIRC appear on all Desktops

This just happend with this app. All apps (Dreamweaver, Notepad, Calc, IE, Firefox, Delphi, SQLYog, WLMail) works fine, just happend with mIRC. I test it with another app (i found the source code on www.pscode.com) and the only is mIRC

The problem happends when connect to a server and join a channel

What can be ?

Last edited by bugx; 02/02/08 08:14 PM.