Originally Posted By: Moro
I need to execute multiraw commands in a CRoom irc server.

What's a CRoom IRC server?

I would like to use some .txt file for the script to read to do so.

Create a text file and use the $read() identifier to read a random line from it. Or a specific 1.

My problem is that it can not send more than 3 lines in less than 3 seconds.
I need to send 300 lines like.
/cs akick #channel add *1*!*@*
/cs akick #channel add *2*!*@*
/cs akick #channel add *3*!*@*
/cs akick #channel add *4*!*@*
and add some command between lines 2 and 3 like "wait 5 seconds"

Is it possible?

Of course it is. And mIRC can send more than 3 lines in less than 3 seconds (unless your computer can't).

Try reading /help /timer.
