The limit of characters per message includes your nickname!ident@host.mask. So people with shorter nicknames, idents, and hostmasks will be able to send slightly more characters in their messages. Each person will be able so send a different number of characters. Also, 'characters' includes all letters, numbers, symbols, spaces, color/bold/etc codes. More color codes means fewer letters in your message.

If you load this script into your remotes file, you will know exactly how many characters you can send per message.


on *:CONNECT:.msg $me $+(MLT-,$str(º,512))
on me:^*:NICK:.msg $newnick $+(MLT-,$str(º,512))
on me:^*:TEXT:MLT-º*:?:{ set $+(%,MCL.,$cid) $len($gettok($rawmsg,3-,32)) | haltdef }
on *:DISCONNECT:unset $+(%,MCL.,$cid)
alias maxchars $iif($isid,return,echo -a Max:) $calc($iif($($+(%,MCL.,$cid),2),$ifmatch,512) - $iif($1,$len($1) - 1,0))

You have to reconnect after loading the script.

To display the limit, type this:

