Hello, I use a script to set variables backwards. For example i use this command: /vb somevar hello this is a test

This appairs my variable using the script like: %somevar tset a si siht olleh. I actually want to have the variable set like: %somevar olleh siht si a tset. So not the words to get backwarded, but just only letters. Here is my script, maybe you can help me. Somelike with another alias. Tnx!

; backwards talker to change variables
bw2 { var %text = $replace($1,$chr(32),$chr(1)), %text2
while (%text) { %text2 = $mid(%text,1,1) $+ %text2 | %text = $mid(%text,2) }
return $replace(%text2,$chr(1),$chr(32)) }
; variable backwards change alias
vb set $+(%,$1) $bw2($2-)