Before/after.... If $nick was first, would it be bad to add isop? Of course not, so the point still stands.

Ok, ignore the length. I wasn't really trying to compare length by saying smaller is better. I was just pointing out differences in size in case someone did bring it up... basically saying that the isop example is close and we still have it.

And, I was obviously mistaken in the size of the examples... I was going by memory (stupid idea for me) and because they were shown as 3 lines because of the brackets and what you want done if $true, I "remembered" it being larger than it was. I should have looked before talking about the length. Again, though... the length was just to curb any talk about length. I should have just left that out, I suppose. shocked

I still disagree about your examle being one of the "most intuitive" methods. I mean, from a person with little math background and little scripting/programming background, why in the world would they think that & (1 not 2) would give them whether or not something is even/odd? If it's intuitive, it would be obvious without having to figure it out or have it pointed out. & or % isn't intuitive at all without those backgrounds. "isodd" or "iseven" would be intuitive for just about anyone. I mean, you could walk up to a kid who knows evens and odds and ask, "If 10 iseven say Yes". The child would understand. That's intuitive. On the other hand, if you ask most people, "If 10 MOD 2 say Yes", they'd look at you like you had two heads.

So, ignore what I metioned of length and just take in the rest.

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