Ok i see what you want, you have to use $did but paste your dialog here would be better, See /help on dialog, /help $devent (edit) :
on *:dialog:dialog_name:edit:*:Set $addtok($+(%,$token(prebot.sitechan.stripcode,$did,46)),$did($did),$token(32.44.32,$did,46))
;prebot have to be id 1, sitechan id 2 and stripcode id 3 
and then use :
on *:text:*:$(%sitechan):{
var %f = $findtok(%sitechan,$chan,32)
if ($nick == $token(%prebot,%f,32)) {
echo -a > $($token(%stripcode,%f,32),2)
do what you want

I haven't tested, but it's better than set a variable for each case.

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