mIRC version 6.31
Network Undernet

on @*:TEXT:*:channel: {
if ($nick isop $chan ) { return }
inc -u2 %txt $+ $nick
if ($eval($+(%,txt,$nick ),2) == 5) {
mode $chan +b $address($nick,2)
kick $chan $nick flood

/inc [-cszeuN] <%var> [value]
This increases the value of %var by value.

If you specify the -uN switch, %var is increased by the value once and then %var is unset N seconds later, assuming it is not set again by another script.

This script works fine until I open the "Scripts Editor" and click on tab "Variables". All active temporary variables "%txt $+ $nick" freeze. They do not unset after 2 seconds. They become permanent and when the count reaches "5", out go the users. Clients are not that pleased.

Is it a bug or a flaw in the script?

Tx in advance