
I was maked a HTTP server in mirc script. In the first version, when a browser GET-ed a file, the server was sended the full file in a while. it readed 8192 byte into a binary variable and then sended it. it was sended the first 8k only and then fulled the status with error messages. i was rewrited it, so it sends the first 8k, then waits for the on sockwrite, and then sends the next 8k. i was proven it. it worked with little html files, but when i downloaded a picture from it, it sended a cute image, and a lot of "* /sockwrite: 'intra_1' queue would exceed 16384 bytes (line 280, szerver.mrc)" error messages. now, i was rewrited it again... now it waits 700 miliseconds (0.7 sec) before every 8k. now it sends full images, and faster, and does not freeze the server so it can send multipe images at the same time. but with bigger binary files (like a 10mb exefile), sometimes it sends error messages ("* /sockwrite: 'intra_1' queue would exceed 16384 bytes (line 280, szerver.mrc)"). if it would wait a full sec between every 8k, it would quite slow. help me wink if you wanna test it, i maked a link to it: www.g-intra.tk, but if im not online it will not work offcourse smile

sorry for my bad english
watch out when you're in front of my scalar howitzer smile

Punks not dead!