whats to press the backspace key or delete key on it?

That's not really difficult... just remove the pieces by editing the line in the edit box using the script. Depending on how you want to do it and what's the best method, you can use $remove, $remtok, $deltok, or getting more specific $pos and $left, $right, $mid... probably others as well.

However, I don't think the original request was about removing text in the edit box, but in the listbox, which is an entirely different matter ... and much easier to accomplish. The original request for help was a little ambiguous though and could be asking for a few different things, so more specifics would allow us to give a complete response... for example, is he trying to remove from the listbox whatever is highlighted in the editbox, or vice versa, or remove what was selected in the listbox from the listbox, or what? It's not really that clear.

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