^-: Above, in the code example, the input was, of course:
The input:
/bugz why does mirc have 0 bugs?

Which was a joke, by the way. ^_^;

Originally Posted By: "rehinged"

...which acts to delimit and force display of consecutive whitespace, here.

I should replace that with: "...which, here, allows the parsed echo command to have invisible content, making blank lines printable." Because, clearly, there's a non-tokenized character there, and it's one which, by it's nature, has no print value. It's better than $chr(160), which actually does get filled with visible characters in some fonts.

I have also used it before to preserve consecutive whitespace in echo lines, though it is more difficult to catch before mIRC tokenizes the string somewhere in its travels.

When you find the spot to use it, it usually goes something like:

$replace($1-, , ,,)

So, there you're replacing [space] with [^o][space][^o], and ending up with [^o][space][^o][^o][space][^o][^o][space][^o], which the end obviously turns into [^o][space][^o][space][^o][space][^o].

Last edited by rehinged; 16/12/07 06:52 AM.