Qwerty i realize why it's doing what it does and i also fully realize this behavior cant be changed without possibly breaking scripts like i stated in the first post


Im fully aware however that this might not be a changeable behaviour as it is now

I was merely stating that nowhere has the issue of evaluation or not evaluating the parameters been given a mention. But from how i read what was communicated back to us about $!ident i gather that it should NOT evaluate it's parameters, totally subjective of course.

That said i'm perfectly fine with parameters evaluating by default too (spaces or no spaces). As long as they behave the same, Since spacing parameters has no impact anywhere else I personally do feel its a quirk/design flaw all be it a really easy to explain one smile

I merely want to know wheter it was intended to not eval parameters and spacing was overlooked or wheter it was left in intentionally.

This is not a RFC, so no hard feelings jaytea!.

Last edited by Mpdreamz; 06/12/07 05:11 PM.
