this is a pain in the ascii. I've had a quick go on $datediff and $datexpander but neither output what I'm trying to do, which is...

work out what date was exactly 6 months ago and return it.

I thought a simple calc would work, normally it would, i.e 6 months ago from today returns 6th June 2007, but there's nothing simple about months! i.e 6 months ago from aug 30th would return feb 30th, I'd want that to return feb 28th. it's not 1st or 2nd of march because that's less than 6 months. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Should I go with the calc and add in checks for each possible anomaly? also there's jan - may which will all return negative dates! It could be too early for me today of course and the answer is glaring at me...

I'm almost ready to hit the sockets for a date calculator website...but I thought I'd throw it out here first


