alias addmember {
  echo -a writeini -n $scriptdir $+ REBot.ini members $calc($eval($ini($scriptdir $+ REBot.ini,members,0),2) + 1) $1
  writeini -n $scriptdir $+ REBot.ini members $calc($eval($ini($scriptdir $+ REBot.ini,members,0),2) + 1) $1
  .notice $2 $1 has been added.
  flushini $scriptdir $+ REBot.ini

The syntax is /addmember <newmember> <person who added them>
This alias is called in an on text event. The echo gives the expected result, there are no error replies and the .notice does its thing. When I check the ini file, it is not changed. What's going on?
I use mIRC 6.21 on Windows XP Home SP2.