Yes, I suggest reading up on $gettok and Token Identifiers in the mIRC help file.

$chr(32) is a token that is a space.
$chr(46) is a token that is a period.
$chr(44) is a token that is a comma.

You can use tokens to seperate data.

var %xx = data1 data2 data3

These are seperated by $chr(32) so $gettok(%xx,2,32) returns data2.

var %f = This apple is sufficently *good but I might need 4

$gettok(%f,1,32) would return This
$gettok(%f,2,32) would return apple
$gettok(%f,2-,32) would return "apple is sufficently *good but I might need 4"

NOTE: Using $chr(32) is the slowest response. Try to use another token like , or . to seperate data with.