codemastr raises a good point.

+e is the Chanel CTCP block on my network.

+r is for bother registered names and channels.

+u or any other mode can't be used to block QUIT messages as ON QUIT is not a channel event. Some IRCd's, including but not limited to CR (ConferenceRoom) already have an AdminServ function to turn part and quit msgs on and off. Some others, namely Austhex (Austnet's yarn) by default show the name of the network and/or network website URL in the quit msg. So generally this is already catered for on some networks.

If you have a script that you have set up for one specific network, as I have, then the best option is to make your own banlist dialogue, as I have done. With this you can include checkboxes for the modes that are unique to your network. I went further and added full oper support, samodes, all channel and user modes, a better topic changer, a links panel for the websites I like to visit, etc etc etc. 2300 lines of code later I had a better (or more relevant) channel central than mIRC will ever provide. That's not a cheap shot at mIRC though, I believe, inline with what codemastr implies, is that mIRC should be as universal as possible and then it is upto the humble scripter to make up the difference.

All I need to do now is work out why my channel central only unbans one entry at a time. I just don't have the time to rummage through 2300 lines of code to fix it. The thing is I never bother with untimed bans anyway so it really doesn't matter. :tongue: