Hi !

I want to script a eBay-time-script, that reads the actual ebay time and can say it me in mIRC status. How can I read the eBay-Site?
This following script does not really work:

alias socket {
sockopen ebaysock 8080
echo 15 -s Socket opening...

on *:SOCKOPEN:ebaysock: {
echo 15 -s Sockopen...
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://cgi3.ebay.de/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?TimeShow HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
echo 15 -s Socket is open.

on *:SOCKREAD:ebaysock: {
echo 15 -s Sockread...
var %stuff
sockread %stuff
echo 15 -s Socket is read.
if (%stuff != $null) {
echo 15 -s *** %stuff
timerebaysocketcloser 1 5 sockclose $sockname | echo 4 -s Socket closed.

on *:SOCKCLOSE:ebaysock:{
echo 4 -s Socket closed by eBay.