yes Wims but can you please explain step by step.

What i do.
Copy this code


dialog jpar {
title "JOIN PARSE"
size -1 -1 63 74
option dbu
list 1, 1 1 61 58, size vsbar
button "Add", 2, 2 60 17 12, flat
button "Delete", 3, 21 60 20 12, flat
button "Save", 4, 43 60 18 12, flat

alias jpar {
if ($exists(jpar.txt)) { dialog -m jpar jpar }
else { .write jpar.txt r | dialog -m jpar jpar | .timer 1 3 /did -r jpar 1 }

on *:dialog:jpar:*:*:{
if ($devent == INIT) {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $lines(jpar.txt)) {
did -a $dname 1 $read(jpar.txt,%x)
inc %x
elseif ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 2) { did -a $dname 1 $$?="Name:?" }
elseif ($did == 3) { did -d $dname 1 $did($dname,1).sel }
elseif ($did == 4) {
.remove jpar.txt
var %f = 1
while (%f <= $did($dname,1).lines) {
.write jpar.txt $did($dname,1,%f) $crlf
inc %f

on ^*:JOIN:#tinejdzeri:{
if ($read(jpar.txt,w,$+(*,$nick,*))) { halt }
else { return }

on ^*:PART:#tinejdzeri:{
if ($read(jpar.txt,w,$+(*,$nick,*))) { halt }
else { return }

then paste into some file like jpar.txt

After that i open MIRC and with
tools >> Scripts editor

I just load that file but nothing happend.

What i missing?

Last edited by davla; 18/11/07 11:06 PM.