Here's my shot at an easter egg going over the idea of (Mirc's yellow icon right click for happy face)

Don't mind the cheap design its really no design just a square with a text label.

The syntax is /egg

once open right click the word happy and see what happens, right click it again to see what happens. (Images can be loaded in dialogs)

and BTW if $decode is locked in your options this won't work

if it is locked unlock it or replace the first line $decode section with Happy Label and the second line with Happy Label smile

dialog egg {
  title "The Egg"
  size -1 -1 143 123
  option dbu
  text "Happy Label", 1, 32 44 40 8
on *:DIALOG:egg:rclick:*:{ 
  if ($regex($mouse.x,/([6-9][0-9])/g) == 1) && ($regex($mouse.y,/([8-9][0-9])/g) == 1) && (%e.1) { did -ra $dname 1 $decode(.2&%P<'D@3&%B96P@.E``) | unset %e.1 }
  elseif ($regex($mouse.x,/([6-9][0-9])/g) == 1) && ($regex($mouse.y,/([8-9][0-9])/g) == 1) && (!%e.1) { did -ra $dname 1 $decode(+2&%P<'D@3&%B96P`) | %e.1 = 1 }
alias eggs dialog -m egg egg

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }