Try this, it also gets the cookie data first and stores it for 3600 secs, you can make it longer but I'm not sure how long it will be valid for.
on *:sockopen:news_career:{
  if $sockerr { echo -ac info * Sockerr (news_career): $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }

  ; Check if you have a variable with cookie data
  if $($+(%,$sockname,.cookie),2) {
    ; if so go ahead and request the page
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET /results.asp?search_type=quick&kw=&city=Sault+Ste+Marie HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname HOST:
    sockwrite $sockname Cookie: $v1 $+ $str($lf,2)
  ; else request headers only (for the cookie)
  sockwrite -n $sockname HEAD / HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite $sockname HOST: $+ $str($lf,2)

on *:sockread:news_career:{
  if $sockerr { echo -ac info * Sockerr (news_career): $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }
  var %a | sockread %a

  ; Check if you have a cookie
  if !$($+(%,$sockname,.cookie),2) {
    ; if not, check for the cookie data
    if *Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONID* iswm %a {
      ; set it to a variable
      set -u3600 $+(%,$sockname,.cookie) np%5Furl=www%2Esaultstar%2Ecom; $gettok(%a,2,32)
      ; and start over
      sockclose $sockname | news_career
  ; else read the page ;)

  ; IF you have a job title...
  if %JobTitle {
    ; add the date and location data
    if *<td class="rowSep"* iswm %a { set -e %JobTitle %JobTitle $regsubex(%a,/\t|<.*?>/g,) }
    ; if its end of item, display the item & unset the variable
    elseif *</tr>* iswm %a { echo -a %JobTitle | unset %JobTitle }

  ; else check incoming data for a job title & set it to a variable
  elseif *onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">* iswm %a { set -e %JobTitle $gettok($gettok(%a,1,60),2,62) }