Well if you want to type .youtube searchwords here in mirc which is an ON INPUT event then use this/...

on *:INPUT:#hd:{
  if (/ == $left($1,1)) { return }
  elseif ($1 == .youtube) { url  $+(http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=,$replace($$2-,$chr(32),+)) }

But if you want someone to type .youtube in the channel and return a link with search words like this

.youtube salt shaker


then use this

on *:Text:*:#hd:{
  if ($1 == .youtube) { msg # $+(http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=,$replace($$2-,$chr(32),+)) }

LOL this what happens when you take time to explain things lol

Last edited by Lpfix5; 06/11/07 08:40 PM.