Something else that would happen as a side effect is that the channel central box would only list invites/bans/exceptions UNLESS the toolbar and channel central could be totally separate features meaning that just because you used the toolbar didnt mean you'd remove all those options from the channel central. However, it COULD be done that if you use the most common modes up top (picture shows you using: Topic history, Ops Set Topic, Extenral Msgs, Private, Invite, Moderated, Limit, Key, and secret which are pretty much the global ones) you could then use the channel central for the rest. Just some thoughts is all, but I LIKE the toolbar idea a lot (as it stands on the picture).

To go one step further, if we could configure (like Internet Explorer for example) the mirc default toolbar to add/remove icons from there AND make the "channelbar" dockable with the mirc default toolbar, that'd be even better especially if we could configure how each of the "channel bar" options were - aka which options to put to the left and right etc

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it