I am using PHP on the website I am grabbing, to limit the received data to JUST what I want. I am loads better at php then this, Lol.

So anyways, I got it working sorta. Currently it just outputs the http headers - my code is-

on *:TEXT:m~test:#:{ 
  echo Connecting... 
  /sockopen home home.moptop.info 80 
on *:sockopen:home:{ 
  echo Trying to communicate... 
  sockwrite -n home GET /index.php HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -n home Host: home.moptop.info 
  sockwrite -n home $crlf 
on *:sockread:home:{ 
  echo Echoing Data... 
  sockread %temp 
  echo %temp 

Its spits back...

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: (Date of the request)
Server: Apache/2.0.59 (Unix)

And that stuff.

How do I fix that?

Last edited by Moptop650; 26/10/07 01:48 AM.