I have this greet script. ANd it works perfectly, however recently the greet.ini got 2 full of ip's etc. So I made a greet 2.ini and no problems except one. Its supposed to tell you how many people have joined the chan, and how many times you have joiend the chan. Well mine won't go above 35, and I dunno why. I think its because of the 2 ini files but I have no idea. Here is the script:

on !*:join:%greetchan: {
if (%greetCounter == on) {
inc %greet.counter
set %greet.join $calc( $readini( greet.ini, greet 2.ini, $address, Join ) +1 ) | writeini greet 2.ini $address Join %greet.join | unset %greet.join
if ($right(%greet.counter,2) == 00) || ($right(%greet.counter,2) == 50) {
notice $nick 0,2CONGRATS4,2 $nick 0,2you are the4,2 $ord(%greet.counter) 0,2 Visitor To4,2 %greetchan $+ ..0,2This is The4,2 $ord($readini(greet.ini, greet 2.ini, $address, Join)) 0,2Time You Have Visited here...11,2 «×X§Ç®îÞt0®§X×»
describe $chan shoots fireworks for4 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`12 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`9 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`7 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`13 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`11 $nick *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`
else {
notice $nick 0,2Hello And Welcome To4,2 %greetchan $nick $+ . 0,2You are the4,2 $ord(%greet.counter) 0,2 Person that has Visited This Room...This is The4,2 $ord($readini(greet.ini, $address, Join)) 0,2Time You Have Visited here..11,2 «×X§Ç®îÞt0®§X×»

any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks laugh

Last edited by zad0909; 25/10/07 12:32 PM.