Here's a sample code based on Bekar's suggestion but with some small differences, it uses /fwrite (quicker) and /plays to an alias which parses the results, rather than parsing them as they arrive.

Note: It doesn't check for isnotify because /cnick can do that better/easier/quicker†† than extra parsing with using cline.
Note: It doesn't check for chanmodes because /cnick can do that better/easier/quicker†† than extra parsing with using cline.
alias who-cli {
  if (%colornick_ != enabled) { return }
  var %nr = $chan(0)
  while (%nr > 0) {
    .timer 1 $calc(%nr * 5) who $chan(%nr)
    dec %nr

raw 352:*:{
  if ($me !ison $2) { return }
  if !$fopen($2) { .fopen -no $2 $2.who }
  .fwrite -n $2 $3-
raw 315:*:{
  .fclose $2
  .play -a who_cols_ $2 $2.who 100
  .remove $2.who
alias -l who_cols_ {
  if ($me !ison $1) { return }
  if ($5 !ison $1) { return }
  var %a
  if (G isin $6) { %a = $clinecol(aw) }
  if (* isin $6) { %a = $clinecol(po) }
  if %a { cline -l %a $1 $5 }
  else cline -r $1 $5

†† Take your pick. grin