Originally Posted By: genius_at_work
We've been through this before. You have the script set to ignore ALL window types, therefore it will never shift to any windows. If you want it to shift only to channels that are visible, try this script:

alias shift {
  ; 1: <1=left 0=same >1=right
  var %wname, %wlist, %wtype, %ccid = $cid, %cwin = $active
  var %a = 0, %aa = $scon(0), %c = 0, %cc = 0, %n = 0, %nwin = 0
  while (%a < %aa) {
    inc %a
    scon %a
    %c = 0
    %cc = $window(*,0)
    while (%c < %cc) {
      inc %c
      %wtype = $window(*,%c).type
      if ($istok(status chat custom fserv get send,%wtype,32)) continue
      if ($window(*,%c).state == hidden) continue
      %wname = $window(*,%c)
      inc %n
      if ((%ccid == $cid) && (%cwin == %wname)) %nwin = %n
      %wlist = $addtok(%wlist,$+($cid,.,%wname),44)
    scon -r
  if (%nwin == 0) {
    %nwin = $findtok(%wlist,$wildtok(%wlist,$+($cid,.*),1,44),1,44)
    %nwin = $calc(%nwin + $wildtok(%wlist,$+($cid,.*),0,44))
    if ($1 > 0) dec %nwin
  if ($1 < 0) {
    dec %nwin
    if (%nwin == 0) %nwin = $numtok(%wlist,44)
  elseif ($1 > 0) {
    inc %nwin
    if (%nwin == 0) inc %nwin
  %nwin = $calc(((%nwin - 1) % $numtok(%wlist,44)) + 1)
  %nwin = $gettok(%wlist,%nwin,44)
  if (%nwin != $null) scid $gettok(%nwin,1,46) window -a $+(",$gettok(%nwin,2,46),")

Note that if you view one of the hidden channels (by using the window menubar item) it will be considered unhidden by the script. To resume ignoring that window, you need to rehide it.


this script works alone or I need any of the above scripts?