And at the same time, how should they be kept separate for multiple users? Personally, I don't like the whole hidden directory structure combined with the invisible moving of files to that location thing. Perhaps mIRC could natively add button(s) to take users to that folder even though it can easily be scripted. That would solve the "hidden" problem for users who don't display hidden folders and it would keep everything in AppData as it is now.

Of course, there's no real reason why mIRC has to use AppData for those things (or even for settings). It could just use Documents and Settings and place the files within the user's folder there. I'm not sure if that folder is in Vista, but it probably is.

In any case, just adding a button that takes users to the "Data" folder (name it whatever you like) that has the settings, downloads, logs, etc folders in it, would be helpful, I think.

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