I'm trying to make a script that simply switches the use of the firewall on and off:

%socks = $readini("mirc.ini",socks,$1)
sockson {
writeini "mirc.ini" socks enabled yes
writeini "mirc.ini" socks port 9050
writeini "mirc.ini" socks method 5
writeini "mirc.ini" socks dccs no
writeini "mirc.ini" socks useip yes
writeini "mirc.ini" socks hostname localhost
echo 4 -a SOCKs Proxy Now in Use

%socks = $readini("mirc.ini",socks,$1)
socksoff {
writeini "mirc.ini" socks enabled no
writeini "mirc.ini" socks port 9050
writeini "mirc.ini" socks method 5
writeini "mirc.ini" socks dccs no
writeini "mirc.ini" socks useip yes
writeini "mirc.ini" socks hostname localhost
echo 4 -a SOCKs Proxy Not in use

I need to reload mirc.ini everytime I use this...is there any other way of editing the mirc config without editing mirc.ini itself or without requiring a refresh of the load of mirc.ini?