Originally Posted By: Mpot

Will ban them for an hour if * OR * OR damn OR bitch are in what they say.

Actually it wil ban everyone who posts anything crazy
This is how its interpreted...
  if (string) { ban -kzu3600 $chan $nick 5 }
  elseif (string) { ban -kzu3600 $chan $nick 5 }
  elseif (string) { ban -kzu3600 $chan $nick 5 }
  elseif (word isin $1-) { ban -kzu3600 $chan $nick 5 }

...the first 3 are always true, because they are just strings, not comparisons or something that can return a non $false/NULL/0 value. The script will never even get to the first elseif.
Try it from an editbox, //if (word1 || word2 || word3 || word4 isin $1-) { echo -ag whoops! }

Also, there isn't a -z switch for /ban
/ban [-kruN] [#channel] <nickname|address> [type]