Could we possibly get a switch, such as -c, to "keep" the $crlf's? I would find it beneficial to not have to do some strange coding to put these back into the binvar itself.

Granted, it's been a long night, so maybe I'm overlooking something a little more simple. *shrug*

This is basically what I have to resort to at the moment:

on *:sockread:test:{
  sockread -n &test
  if (!$sockbr) {
    sockread -fn &test
    if (!$sockbr) return
  else {
    var %l = $bvar(&test,0) + 1
    bset &test %l 13 10
  bwrite thetest.txt -1 -1 &test
on *:sockclose:test:{ run thetest.txt }

If we could preserve the crlfs, I would be able to write directly to the file without any worry:
on *:sockread:test:{ sockread -c &test | bwrite thetest.txt -1 -1 &test }