dialog user.list {
  size -1 -1 110 110
  option dbu
  list  2, 5 5 100 90, multsel extsel
  button "Send Message",4, 40 95 40 10

On *:Dialog:user.list:init:*: {
  didtok $dname 2 32 Adam Bob Chris Dave Evan Fred Gary Henry

On *:Dialog:user.list:sclick:4: {
  if ($did($dname,2,0).sel) {
    var %x = 1, %msg = $$?="message?"
    while (%x <= $did($dname,2,0).sel) { 
      msg $did($dname,2,$did($dname,2,%x).sel) %msg
      inc %x

I've added a dialog to show you it works. Just open up the dialog and select some nicks and then send the message.