Here's a hotfix seems like my script will write } but your onload doesn't heres a hotfix I added a data chk updini is now fixed.


alias update {
  if (!$1) { echo -a 4ERROR: Please input a file to update. }
  else {
    sockopen update 80
    %conn = $1
    ./timer 1 1 /chkini

on 1:sockopen:update:{
  .sockwrite -n update GET $+(/music2/andresmp3/FCIRC/update/,%conn) HTTP/1.1
  .sockwrite -n update HOST:
  .sockwrite -n update $crlf

on 1:sockread:update:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %x | sockread %x
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%x == $null) { return 2 }
  if (HTTP/1.1 == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Date: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Server: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) { return }
  if (Set-Cookie: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Vary: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (X-Server-IP: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) { return }
  if (P3P: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Last-Modified: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Etag: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) { return }
  if (Accept-Ranges: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Content-Length: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) || (Content-Type: == $gettok(%x,1,32)) { return }
  write -n temporary.txt %x $crlf

alias -l chkini { 
  var %x = 1
  %xi = 1
  while (%x <= $ini(mirc.ini,rfiles,0)) {
    if (%conn == $readini(mirc.ini,rfiles,$+(n,%x))) { 
      if ($input(Did you want to overwrite your current script?,y) == $true) { .unload -rs %conn | .rename %conn $+($left(%conn,-4),$time(hsns),.bck) | unset %xi | .timer 1 2 /updini }
      else { return }
    inc %x
  .timer 1 4 /updtime

alias -l updini {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $lines(temporary.txt)) {
    write -n %conn $read(temporary.txt,n,%x) $crlf 
    inc %x
  if ($read(temporary.txt,$lines(temporary.txt)) != $chr(125)) { 
    write -n %conn $chr(125)
    .load -rs %conn
    Echo -a Loaded/Updated $+(%conn,.)
    .remove temporary.txt
  else { 
    .load -rs %conn
    Echo -a Loaded/Updated $+(%conn,.)
    .remove temporary.txt

alias -l updtime { 
  if (%xi) { echo -a Script is not found/loaded in system. Using AUTO-LOAD System... | updini } 

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }