Im not sure what your asking for because the calc 437289478942343890483 / 2 returns the value not being rounded, and in my experience is the correct return value however if your gonna use something like 437289478942343890483 / 42442424 then it will return a < if you want that removed at all times I suggest using something like $left($round($calc(caculations here),2),-3)
That's strange, because for me, $calc(437289478942343890483 / 2) returns 218644739471171940000. The four zeros at the end represent the rounding present. Note I'm using the most recent version of mIRC, version 6.3.
mIRC's calculation ability is limited. That cannot be changed (by you). However, you should be able to perform larger calculations by passing arguments to a dll that is written in a language that supports large calculations.
I had thought of trying this, but after a quick search on Google and a few mIRC script/dll sites, I couldn't find anything of the sort.
I'm afraid that I don't possess the ability to write such a thing, so that's out of the question.
Thanks for your input.