The previous $nsorttok would screw up if the token separator is chr 46 (the "$"), because of PCRE's mysterious habit to consider "$" a special character, so it needs to be escaped (I can't see its usage in PCRE...). It also wouldn't work with decimal numbers. This version takes takes care of these issues:
alias nsorttok {
  if - !isin $1 || $chr($2) !isin $1 { return $sorttok($1,$2,$iif($3 == r,nr,n)) }
  var %c = $regex(ns,$sorttok($1,$2,nr),/(.*?)-(.+)/)
  if $3 == r {
    !.echo -q $regsub($sorttok($regml(ns,2),45,n),/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/,\1 $+ $replace($chr($2),$,\$),%c)
    return $gettok($+($regml(ns,1),$chr($2),-,%c),1-,$2)
  !.echo -q $regsub($sorttok($regml(ns,2),45,nr),/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/,\1 $+ $replace($chr($2),$,\$),%c)
  return $gettok($+(-,%c,$chr($2),$sorttok($regml(ns,1),$2,n)),1-,$2)

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com