You could use a "trigger" like the one below; as the ip is some kind of confidential data imho, I added (at least) a "very simple security check"...

Add these lines to your bot's remotes. Change "yournick" and "somepassword":
on *:notice:*:*: {
  if ($1 == getip) { 
    if (($nick == yournick) && ($2 == somepassword)) { .notice $nick my current ip is $ip }
    else { .notice $nick request denied. }

To make bot send you a notice with his current ip, type:
/notice <nick-of-your-bot> getip <password>

Edit: reading your request again; I doubt this is what you wanted. To avoid further guess... can you please clarify what you want the bot to do? smile

Last edited by Horstl; 01/09/07 06:39 PM.