Ok, let's clean this up for you...

on *:TEXT:!set *:#: {
  if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan)) {
    if ($2 == event) {
      set %world $3
      set %team1 $4
      set %team2 $5
      set %team3 $6
      set %wait $calc($7 * 60)
      notice $nick Event set to start in %wait seconds. World to be played in will be %world $+ . The first team will be %team1 $+ , the second team will be %team2 $+ , and the third team will be %team3 $+ .
      msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world $+ 1. 14TEAM:6 %team1 $+ 1. Game starts in $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
      .timerUBGAD 0 60 msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world $+ 1. 14TEAM:6 %team1 $+ 1. Game starts in $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
      set %UBGcnt 1
      .timer 1 %wait StartGame
    elseif ($2 == link1) {
      set %link1 $3
    elseif ($2 == link2) {
      set %link2 $3
    elseif ($2 == link3) {
      set %link3 $3

alias StartGame {
  .timerUBGAD Off
  set %wait 1200
  msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event started in 14World6 %world $+ , 14Team6 $($+(%,team,%UBGcnt),2) $+ . It's time to pwn!
  .timerUBGTimeLeft $calc(%wait / 60) 60 msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world $+ 1. 14TEAM:6 $($+(%,team,%UBGcnt),2) $+ 1. Time left: $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
  .timerUBGInter 1 %wait GameInter

alias GameInter {
  if (%UBGcnt == 3) { GameEnd | return }
  msg $chan 9UBG castle wars event intermission (5 minutes)! 14World6 %world $+ , 14Team6 $($+(%,team,%UBGcnt),2) $+ 1. Prepare yourself.
  inc %UBGcnt
  .timerUBGInter 1 300 StartGame

alias GameEnd {
  msg $chan Good games UBG, can't wait for the next one :D
  unset %world, %team1, %team2, %team3, %wait, %UBG*

Note that this handles all 3 teams without repeating all of the code and without any use of GOTO. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net