$/ overides mirc internal alias
alias ip return dont hack my ip!

echo -a $ip and $/ip
echo's: 77.251.101.xxx and dont hack my ip!

$. silents identifiers that return a value
this also only works for mIRC internal identifiers ie:
alias return 5
//echo -a $dot $.dot $regsub(,,,,%re) $.regsub(,,,,%re) $me $.me
returns 5 5 1 Mpdreamz
the 2nd $dot isn't silenced but the 2nd $regsub and $me are.

Funny thing to note that is if you call $.ip and you have overriden $ip with your own identifier it will return your custum identifier! So we can script a simple alias to see if a mIRC ident is overriden smile

//if ($.ip != $null) echo -a $!ip is overriden by some script

This of course only work when the ident is expected to return a value and of course there's $isalias :p

also note that $/.ip (seems) to be the exact same as $/ip

I'm baffled what $~ip is doing, Khaled if you read this could you shed some light on this ??

it seem $isalias takes into account for . and /
$isalias(......./.ip) will still return $true if aliased
$isalias(~ip) will not

calling $~someCustumIdent wont work, only $~someMircIdent does.

Last edited by Mpdreamz; 27/08/07 09:27 PM.
