System is clean, I've done Spybot Search and Destroy, AVG, and Windows Defender after updating each. Clean as a whistle, buuuut..

Every so often (haven't noticed exact trend yet) a file called security.mrc will create itself into the mIRC folder, and load when I connect to a server. I cannot find the source of what is creating this file.

When it loads, it will do all of this,

on 1:join:#:{ .notice $nick Hey, check out this awesome program. It will search the internet for a serial/crack/keygen for ANY program! : -edit- }
on 1:connect:{ .timermsg [ $+ [ $server ] ] 0 900 .amsg Hey, check out this awesome program. It will search the internet for a serial/crack/keygen for ANY program! : -edit- }
on 1:disconnect:{ .timermsg [ $+ [ $server ] ] off }

Any clues to where this file is coming from, and how to stop it?!

Last edited by Mentality; 01/09/07 04:41 AM.