; store chan and nick, join the chan
on *:invite:#: {
set -eu3 %invite.chan $chan
set -eu3 %invite.nick $nick
join $chan
; "end of names" after joining a chan
raw 366:*:{
; it's the chan you were invited to
if ($2 == %invite.chan) {
; the nick who invited you is halfop or op
if ((%invite.nick isop $2) || (%invite.nick ishop $2)) {
.msg $2 Hello, I'm $me $+ , and I was invited by %invite.nick $+ , type !commands for my commands. ....!
; the nick is not op/hop
else {
part $2 Only Halfops/Ops should invite me.
.notice %invite.nick Only Halfops/Ops should invite me.
unset %invite.*