Originally Posted By: Garou
Can anyone make or have something for masskick protection?

alias EnProt { 
  if ($1 == on) { %e.prot = on | %e.count = 0 }
  elseif ($1 == off) { %e.prot = off }

on *:KICK:#:{
  if (!%e.time) { .timer 1 5 /unset %e.det | %e.nick = %e.count }
  elseif (%e.prot == on) && (%e.count > 3) { ban -u300 $nick 3 | kick # $nick DO NOT MASSKICK EVER IN THIS CHANNEL 5MIN BAN }

Here's something that should work (Not tested)

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }