Originally Posted By: johndoe123
THAT WORKED PERFECTLY! Thanks so much, but i do have one question about this: is there a way to show that list? How about removing certain masks from the list? Thanks again!

Heres a method to show that list, since its stored in the remote.ini of mirc or in your remotes in the "USERS" tab. I will read from ini

alias uslist { 
  window @GuserList
  %x = 0
  if ($readini(remote.ini,users,$+(n,%x)) == $null) { halt }
  else { aline 8 @GuserList $readini(remote.ini,users,$+(n,%x)) | inc %x | goto START }

Then in order to remove someone from that list lets say you don't want george to be there no more you type.

SYNTAX:/ruser level nick type
/ruser opme george 3

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }